Managed VC Services

Often most organisations struggle with resources to manage their varied AV and conferencing needs. AV solutions and Video conferencing skillsets are not core focus areas of many industries and may interfere with other priorities.

The best way forward is to leave the hassle of managing your video conferencing needs to our team of experts, who have with them decades of experience in seeding the concept and developing Video Conferencing as a Service. The VCNOW team can truly transform the video conferencing experience your stakeholders are looking for.

As one a stop solutions and services partner, we can help you analyse your needs and design and implement solutions that are cost-effective and professional. Engage with us to get a preliminary assessment of your video conferencing needs at no commitment costs.

The Process

Here is an overview of the process of implementing managed VC services:

Assessment & Scope

In this stage VCnow RM will conduct a site visit and understand the requirements specific to your organisation and business, discuss the scope of the engagement and requirements, identify essentials that will aid in utility of the room and the users interaction methods.

Audit of Infrastructure

The team engineers will evaluate the existing infrastructure, identify gaps, and upgrade requirements, plan replacement strategy to align with the end utility objectives.

Capacity planning

The team will factor the current capacity and life of the existing infrastructure, work out a replacement and upgrade plan with budgetary considerations.

Gap Analysis

Should there be gaps in achieving the desired utility outcome, the team will propose the closures of the gaps and or advise on the next possible steps.


The team will present it’s final recommendation and ensure that each solution with its possibilities are laid out for the Facility Manager’s consideration.

How our Managed VC services can add value

Lowest video downtime
Predictive Thinking
VC experts
Advance technology

Support & Maintenance:

Infrastructure Audit & Consulting

Infra Audit & Consultancy – Starting with an audit of your existing Infra and suggesting guaranteed significant improvements

on your AS IS INFRA WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT INVESTEMENTS ( The Key thought being – VISBILE IMPROVEMENTS WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENTS ) in the Quality of Service and Experience of Video Conferencing for all Stake holders from Board Rooms to normal

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On-site Support

Team VCnow is trained and carries the DNA of living breathing sleeping Video conferencing. Team VCnow has decades of experience, passion, intellectual

Property, and service orientation is passed on to our onsite teams with active involvement and management of VCnow’s Top Management Team which is also engaged with Top management of the Customer and their pain points

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Collaboration Helpdesk

VCNow not only provides manpower on site, but also provides an SLA based Service Wrap VC VCaaS (ie VC as a Service) along with the

On-Site or On-demand support with the objective of delivering great quality and a heightened service experience. Our On-Site/On-demand Support is accompanied by best practices evolved from the Intellectual Property of managing Video Conferencing since the Evolution of VC. (Infographic to explain process) VCNow Team managers deployed onsite conduct physical meetings and reviews regularly with the Customers.

Reviews are conducted not only on SLAs, but also technology road map along with opportunities to improve processes along with technology road maps for the future.

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What is a Managed VC Service?

Think about it, how many managers can walk into a Board Room/Conference Room and connect into an online meeting or conference without calling IT or Admin support?

Just like Managed Services involve outsourcing the management and maintenance of various aspects of your IT infrastructure to a specialized service provider, in Managed VC services, a company outsources the management of its Audio/Video infrastructure to a Vendor competent to carry out these specialised functions.

This comprehensive approach allows a company to entrust the responsibilities to a dedicated team of experts, while the business can focus on its core operations and delegate the tasks for optimal performance and reliability.

What is a Cloud VC Service?

Unlike in the past, when meetings and conferences took place, it required the collaboration of the telecom, admin, and premises teams to make it possible. Installation could take a long time and software was expensive. These meetings were locally hosted on an organisation’s servers and hardware and required companies to either ensure that they had the team in place or hire this service.

Think of it like this. Cloud VC is like a SaaS platform where you need to connect to a service on the cloud that allows you to use your devices like laptops/phones/tablets to connect to another meeting attendee who is on the same services. All meeting guests need to be logged into the same platform via cloud. E.g. Teams Meeting, Zoom or Google Meet etc. Each Meeting software comes with it’s own set of features that make it preferrable to an group to opt for a specific Cloud meeting solution.

Managed VC Service or Cloud VC – What should I know ?

Sr. No Managed VC Services Cloud VC Services
1.       Professionally managed solutions offered by experts who have years of experience in managing, trouble shooting and managing solutions that are specific to video conferencing and webcasting. No professional experience is required to set-up quick meeting using Platforms like Teams, Zoom, Google Meet etc.
2.       Customised video solutions – irrespective of the software allows to initiate events which others can join Standard one size fits all.  One click connects directly from browsers.
3.       Multiple platforms can be integrated seamlessly to the client’s network irrespective of the participant’s All users need to be connected using the same software. This is available on the provider’s website for no charge.
4.       Connectivity is based on the organisations’ network which is far more reliable than personal devices. Connectivity is based on the user’s personal network and where they connect from.
5.       Scaling is possible as per the infrastructure flexibility Scaling is possible at Upgrading the “Plans” one subscribes to.

How do I choose between a Managed VC or a Cloud VC?

The need for each business is different and depends on a thorough inspection and assessment of your needs. E.g

  • How often do you conduct critical business meetings?
  • What is the nature of these events and impact in case of failure?
  • Can such failure lead to non-compliances or imposition of penalty etc?

Based on your responses an expert will be able to make recommendations. In any case the final decision can be reached only by consulting industry experts who offer authentic advice and help you make an informed decision, with the ability to think through all possibilities and alternative solutions. Some of these solutions can be cost-effective and pocket-friendly and may save you a great deal or even protect you from potentially unviable decisions and traps.

How can a “Managed VC service” add value to my business?

  •  Do you encounter bandwidth issues on your corporate network during video conferences?
  • It’s a regular struggle to ensure that all the end points across your network are updated with the latest software.
  • Does your meeting room booking and scheduling cause you stress?
  • Are you struggling to find participants who are not in the video frame or who is speaking if video is off?

If you answered “Yes” to even one of these, you need an expert to help you manage your end-to-end audio/video solutions. Each organisation is different, and we work with you to custom solutions meant for your stakeholders. See the full range or our services or call us now.

What are the different types of Managed video services?

1. On-premises model – In this model, the infrastructure sits on the company’s network, and the managed video services provider controls it remotely. Enterprises keep the video infrastructure behind their own firewall and on their network.

2. Cloud model – The managed services provider owns the infrastructure, manages it, and houses it in their own cloud. This model’s users benefit from cloud security, scalability, reliability, and high uptime.

3. Hybrid model – Combining the on-premises model and the cloud model, a hybrid approach lets the company keep their own infrastructure but also employ some of the service provider’s software for extra capacity or as a failover.

Is maintenance of your IT Infrastructure making a dent in your Budget?

Entrust the VC responsibilities to a dedicated team of experts and reduce the costs of overheads.

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