VC Now revolutionizes the way we connect and collaborate. Our technology encompasses signal management and state-of-the-art cloud-based solutions, transcending physical boundaries to bring people closer together, no matter where they are. Experience a new era of communication, wheredistance becomes inconsequential.
At VC Now,
We Adhere to the 3D Approach

Our experts will analyse the current space, capacity and acoustics needs with a focus on scalability and expansion for the future. Once the Site is.

Post the Commercials and procurement being approved, the VCNOW team will work on sourcing of equipment through our OEMs.

The entire deployment phase consists of installation and testing of infrastructure, quality audits and checks addressing safety concerns.
How it works

Customer Requirement

Site Survey

Solution Design



and Deployment

AMC and support
Solutions By

Course & Career growth, how it is connected
Ut at lobortis odio. Nulla in erat elit. Aliquam aliquam libero id ex pulvinar, tempus ornare risus elementum. Curabitur suscipit lorem eleifend ante pellentesque rutrum. Phasellus aliquam rhoncus sem, in egestas tellus interdum quis. Ut fringilla mauris lectus, vitae laoreet tellus dictum vel. Donec in viverra libero. Donec eu lacus pellentesque, condimentum purus et, pretium ex.

Does different institutes make any difference?
Duis mollis augue tempor ligula dignissim, at fringilla ligula consectetur. Cras facilisis neque quis justo porta placerat. Proin ultrices magna elit, eget facilisis eros mattis sit amet. Integer eu accumsan sem. Nam non velit sapien. Pellentesque a arcu et odio luctus interdum. Nullam bibendum consectetur iaculis.

How to choose the right course?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel neque dapibus, congue tellus id, maximus enim. Sed laoreet, odio eu maximus ultrices, lectus velit viverra velit, in scelerisque metus arcu tempus lorem. Nullam non metus quis eros interdum lacinia. Nulla at nibh finibus, porta lectus at, rhoncus orci.
Designing your new Board or Meeting Room?
Connect with Us: +91-8929010890
Our experts will engage with you in the planning and creating a comprehensive strategy for an upgraded VC Infrastructure.