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Environment & Sustainbility

Your people are your greatest strength!

“Workplaces need to invest in the learning and development of their workforce to stay future-fit in a complex and competitive world of work” The first line of the CIPD. (2020) Creating learning cultures: assessing the evidence.  London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Report bears testimony to growing importance of Organizational Learning.

The CIPD’s Professional Learning and Development report found that 98% of learning and development (L&D) practitioners wish to develop a positive culture for learning, but only 36% feel like they’ve developed one. The report also goes on to recommend that “L&D professionals at all levels reframe ‘learning culture’ as the ‘environment’ for learning.”

Learning as a Strategic Investment

Many Corporates today look at employee learning and development purely from a perspective of talent management. In a rapidly evolving Corporate environment employees are continuously assessing their opportunities for growth and professional priorities. They need skills to help build personal competencies for growth, strategic skills, learn to lead, coach and mentor as they rise to take their place in the succession ladder.

Companies that recognize the need to build those pathways and have thoughtfully planned an enterprise learning strategy were those who did not look at employee learning and development purely from a transactional perspective, but rather from a long-term investment and strategic perspective. When employees own their career pathways, they are looking to learn skills, competencies, and capabilities that they can learn and use at their workplace to grow and succeed. They are seeking to build themselves!

Let employees own their career pathways

Those companies that succeeded in navigating this turbulent landscape were those who did not look at employee learning and development purely from a transactional perspective, but rather from an ownership perspective. When employees own their career pathways, they are looking to learn skills, competencies, and capabilities that they can learn and use at their workplace to grow and succeed. They are seeking to build themselves!

In such a scenario, companies need to enable and support a program for employee self-advocacy, such that employee begin to own their Careers & Growth development. Such employees will then seek help or ask for training to be better able to support and make guided business decisions in their roles. In creating a learning culture, the L&D pyramid is inverted and organisations that build a “learning culture” will be better able to survive disruption, become more agile, responsive, and are better equipped to oversee continuous growth and transformation.

The cornerstone of a “Learning organization” is the gaining of knowledge, facilitation and sharing of knowledge. The future of work is integration of upskilling for retaining and developing employees for succeeding in leadership positions.

Building a culture of learning

There is evidence to suggest that learning culture is linked to outcomes such as job satisfaction and motivation for learning. To make that a reality an organization needs to prioritize individual development, make learning accessible, incorporate a blending learning style, build appreciative inquiry, and thus contribute to a growth mindset which ties into the organizational imperatives. The cornerstone of a “Learning organization” is the gaining of knowledge, facilitation and sharing of knowledge and management of the knowledge as people begin to contribute to human capital in an organization. The future of work is integration of upskilling for retaining and developing employees for succeeding in leadership positions.

Evidence in support of demand for executive education

Ken Research has published a report titled “India Executive Education Market Outlook to FY’2027: Driven by rising skill gap in the country and growing demand of customized courses to overcome automation disparity in business processes” provides a comprehensive analysis of the fast-growing Executive Education market in India.  Indian Executive Education market grew at a CAGR of ~3.2% by Revenue (total value of the programs in executive education), during FY’17-FY’22P. The Average ticket size has shown a ~1.1x growth in the same period as well.

The Executive Education Market in India is anticipated to grow with the growing adoption of smart phones and internet penetration, growing demand of tailored courses in the corporates, and hybrid learning techniques and global exposure offered by educational institutions.  In the skills and learning space the rising role of technology and automation is a key driver of change. The implementation of technology that is augmenting roles, rather than replacing them, means that employees need support and upskilling to make effective use of new technologies. Link to the Report :

Start the journey to build an Enterprise Learning Solutions with VCNOW

VCNow, understand the needs of organisations and hence believe in designing executive learning programmes through a highly collaborative process. India’s top IIMs and institutes trust us to deliver world-class solutions and facilitate new age executive education programmes. We own both sides of the learning journey through our infrastructure and expertise and thus help organisations adapt with ease to the changing needs of the future learnings. Trust us to help you navigate this journey with our end-to-end solutions and partnership with top-ranked B-Schools which have yielded excellent results in successfully implementing a learning culture and helping Corporates to curate and deliver high quality custom designed Management Development Programs (MDPs) in India as well as abroad. You will find our approach engaging and thoughtful as we listen to your needs and goals to setup an infrastructure of continuous learning.

What’s on Offer?

  • The learning culture makes learning a core rather than put emphasis on L&D strategy. One advantage is that learning becomes a shared vision of the organisations and its employees. Hence, you will be able to recognize the skill gaps, learning and training needs and incorporate a customized program, which we can curate for you through either a structured Management Development Programmes (MPDs) or an open learning programmes in various domains which can fulfil the skill gaps.
  • Another advantage is that these Programs can be delivered as a blend of Campus based (in-person) sessions in India as well as International immersions and Industry visits along with live online 2-way interactive sessions. So that employees can participate in these programs remotely without displacement from their locations. That’s not all, building a continuous learning organization brings a host of other benefits, not just to the organization but to its future growth and agility and relationship with all its stakeholders.
  • The Institutes we work with are leaders with over decades of experience in addressing skill gaps and meeting your training requirements as per your industry standards. The net result is not just an ROI on your investment or an increased employee performance, but the real transformation and empowerment of your people, which will translate to visible benefits like Competitive Advantage, improved work processes, better decision making, better customer relationships and stakeholder management. Employees will thus take ownership in leading and help the organization stay ahead of the competition. (use tag could if needed)

How can you start this process

The process is simple and straightforward. We are a phone call away. Reach out to us and we will deploy our Senior Academic Advisors for Corporate Training to chat and strategize with your L&D or Business Teams to understand and arrive at the roadmap for the identified training needs.

Once the roadmaps are established, VCNow will consult with its various partners Institutes and draw up a proposal which would align with the expectations and requirements of the organization.


About the Author

CNow, understand the needs of organisations and hence believe in designing executive learning programmes through a highly collaborative process.

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